May 18, 2024 || 8PM to 12MN GMT+8
AbEn's Eatery
Atomos - Lavender Beds - W19 P5
OPTIONAL! Come in a maid/butler glam!

The Event

Started by a potato's need for an art party, Pretend it's a sleepover! was formed to be a monthly PG-16 sleepover-themed art party / light RP event in Elemental DC. Over time, it has also adapted several subthemes - from in-flight snoozes to school cat naps! Regardless, its hosts make certain that each Sleepover is always comfortable to all guests.Please note that there may be times that some hosts and guests will speak in vernacular (English and Tagalog), but please feel free to converse in any language you're comfty with~

The Hosts


10 years for bread theft cut to 1 year due to parole


Got away with murder, roams free in your local cafes


Suspected DUI; actually just forgot eyeglasses after 10th shot


She has zero crimes and no accusations, absolute angel


Presumed drug den owner but actually just good tea maker


  • This is a PG-16 venue. Please respect each other's boundaries. If you feel unsafe, please send a /tell to the hosts.

  • As a courtesy to the owner/s, observe the venue's house rules. We will be posting its details on the front page, on Twitter, and on Discord, as well as announce it in the in-game chat.

  • Following the dress code for the theme is encouraged but not mandatory.

  • While this is a Tagalog+English venue, please feel free to converse in your language with friends!

  • As a courtesy to other guests, kindly hide weapons, dismiss minions, and disable emote chatlogs upon entering the venue.

  • Please use /yell or /shout only if you want to opt out from being drawn/pictured. Otherwise, it is reserved for the Sleepover team.

  • Feel free to use RP tags, and/or form parties for a less cluttered chat.

  • When using public chat, please avoid any MSQ spoilers, especially for the latest expansion.